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Dear Friends in Christ,

Recognizing that many people do not have the means to access a health clinic due to sickness or lack of transportation, Project El Crucero is planning to serve those in need in Nicaragua via mobile clinics.

This past Labor Day, new wheels for the clinic headed from New Jersey to Colorado and then to Mexico. Unfortunately, the team was stopped at the border. The ambulance requires additional paperwork and a Customs Agent to get through both sides of the border. The team stored the mobile clinic in Laredo, Texas and rented a cheap car back to Colorado, they will return to cross the border in one month.







Mobile clinics are stocked with medications and supplies necessary to care for basic medical treatments and are facilitated by volunteer medical professionals from the United States. Patients in need of additional medical care are referred to the Susie Syke Clinic or to the government hospital for further treatment.

The Susie Syke Clinic was built in memory of Cameron Syke’s late wife with the goal of providing medical, dental, feeding, and educational programs for the impoverished community. Over the years, more than 1000 Americans have gone to Nicaragua to work and they have experienced the beauty of El Crucero.

In Nicaragua, 33% of children (477,000) suffer from chronic malnutrition. 50% do not have access to essential medicines and there are only three doctors to every 8,000 people.

Due to extreme poverty and challenging day-to-day living conditions, common health conditions treated include:
• Malnutrition
• Respiratory issues
• Pre-and-post natal health
• Dental extractions
• Dental cleaning
• Dental fillings

The Susie Syke Medical clinic provides both medical and dental care at no-charge on a weekly basis.

The clinic is currently serving 700 people per month. It has provided 12,800 medical treatments, 2,850 dental treatments, and almost 14,000 hot meals served to children.

The plans of Project El Crucero are to eventually turn this building (above) into a community center and build a larger medical center nearby.

Please pray for the team that is driving the Mobile Clinic to Nicaragua. They are looking for financial support to get the clinic started in Nicaragua and are seeking to raise support of $10,000. We want to help them on their way. So, if you can help, send us a special gift which we will pass on to Project El Crucero.
