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The Joy of the Lord

God’s eternal nature is Joy.   He is the most joyous person I know.

Jesus said I give you my joy, that your joy may be complete.  John 15

Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him.  Heb 12:2

The Father set up a reward of joy to bring the Son of God through the greatest suffering known to man.   Joy is the reward.

Bill Johnson says that there is a price to following Christ.  And there is also a reward.   Emphasizing the price without the reward is morbid.  When the Father wanted to give the best reward to his Son, He chose to give him joy.

Jesus knew the reward was worth the price.  Joy is a priceless thing in heaven.  God has also chosen to give joy to us as believers.  “Well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your master.”  Matt 25:21

We enter into the Father’s personal joy.  He who sits in the heavens laughs.  Ps 2:4

There is a part of the brain known as the Joy Center.   Little children respond with joy to being recognized and loved.   And they seek that joy again and again.

We also transfer joy between people, at a rate of 6 times per second.  A person with a smile on their face and joy in their voice and heart transfers that. 

Here is a picture from Pastor Unity in Tanzania that they are getting the windows done.  They are proceeding in faith step by step to do the floors so they can dance and worship without stirring up dust!!

Keep smiling, keep loving, keep trusting in our Faithful God!  Cameron