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Dear Friends,

In the Kingdom of God, you have the right to be Whole!  In the Kingdom of God, you have the right to be Healed!  In the Kingdom of God, one has the right to be one with Christ in Spirit!  In the Kingdom of God, you are one with Him in Spirit!  In the Kingdom of God, you are permanently entangled with Christ!  In the Kingdom of God, you are one with the Trinity!  In the Kingdom of God, you have the right to fullness, the right to live in love, joy, and peace!

I am on my way to Costa Rica this week to spend time with Giovanni Mora, one of the funniest guys on the planet.  Giovanni holds a congregation, as a pastor/speaker like no one else in Latin America!  His church, Sendero de Luz, is probably my favorite church in Central America.  It is spirit filled and spirit led.  The church holds 800 and has about 3500 people involved.  I have had the privilege of preaching there a couple times.  They also have the largest most organized lay leadership team.  I will be spending time at the Community Center in Jaco and seeing how their Project Cinco ministry is doing.  This ministry caters to the basic 5 needs of families in San Jose and provides school uniforms to needy kids throughout the country.

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.”  Proverbs 19:17      

Please pray for me as I travel and with everyone I meet to shine the Light of God!

May Jesus give us eyes to see and hearts to follow and rejoice in His Spirit and what He is doing in the world as we bring light into darkness!

Joy, and Peace in Abundance,
