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Dear Friends and Supporters,

We have paid half of the purchase price for the Mexico Community Center and have been able to take control of the property and begin improvements.  We will pay the rest when I go down in a week or so.

They have started the construction of bathrooms, we bought materials for bathroom walls and construction when I was down there last month.

As soon as the bathrooms are done, we will start to use the property for events as the outside is fine.  We will start on completing the buildings as well to prepare for colder weather and other uses.

The Pinata is still a Big Hit for any celebration!!!

We estimate we will need to raise about $10,000.00 to complete the buildings and other items such as fencing in the front and some kitchen equipment.

Things are going well on this project and we thank you for your prayers and support!!!

Blessings, joy and peace in Christ our Lord,


To help our cause you can donate online here.

www.avoiceforchildrenintl.com |avoice4children@gmail.com | 3801 E. Florida Ave., Suite 400, Denver, CO 80210 | 303.870.5708