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Dear Fellow Children of God,

Love always contains glimmers and visions of the presence of God.

Where love is, God is, for God is love and love is of God. 1 John 4:7, 8

Our human love communicates divine love. There is no source of love but God.

Scripture says “We love because He first loved us”.

We are learning to be like Christ in this life. That is God’s plan.

In Henri Nouwen’s book of meditating on Rembrandt’s painting “The Return of the Prodigal Son, he states that the reason we are invited to return to the love of the Father is to become like the Father.

I love the story of the man who died and was taken to heaven. St. Peter began reading off a list of the charges of all the bad things the man had done before the Judgment Seat of God.   But then the angels began to sing “But he loved. He loved.   But he loved”.

What will be said of you and me when we leave this planet?

The whole point of God’s love through Christ is to remake us in His image of love. Jesus tells us to “be compassionate as your Father is compassionate”. Luke 6:36

Love is the real test of our Christian spirituality. If we are really following Christ as He calls us to, we are in a process of becoming more loving.

Following Christ involves becoming love.   And becoming love involves death. It involves death to our self, as we surrender more of our own ego and desires to the Lord.

Paul says in 2 Thessalonians that he thanks God for the brothers and sisters whose faith is growing more and more. And if we have faith, the love we have for one another should be increasing!

The Bible says that God is love! The more we are in His presence, the more we love.   And the more we love, the more we are in His presence and fellowshipping with Him.

There is nothing more important in this life than learning to love.   This learning will change us but it will count for all eternity. “Learning to love is preparation for union with God”. David G. Benner, Surrender to Love

Learning to love is learning to live. It is becoming fully human and fully indwelled by the Spirit of God. This is what changed the disciples at Pentecost. They were eternally united with Christ through the indwelling presence of His Spirit. The love of God was their life and the life of the Spirit was their life.

This is the Promise of the Father that God talked about in the Old Testament through the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel. This is what Jesus came and died for, so that He could send us what the Father had promised! Luke 24:49

He fills us with His Spirit and His Love… that we might manifest that Spirit… that Love to those around us!

Cameron Syke


Please pray for Pastor Nohe and I and our team that is coming to minister in Puerto Penasco at the end of this month. In the picture above, we are praying over one of the barrios where we will be ministering.

In Christ’s Love,


To help our cause you can donate online here.

www.avoiceforchildrenintl.com  |  avoice4children@gmail.com  | 50 S Steele St, suite 1000, Denver, CO 80209 | 303.320.6929